University Talipapa Re-Opens for the Community

by | Mar 10, 2024

AUP Talipapa opened its operations at 6:30 a.m. on March 10, 2024, near the road to AUP Old Gate.

The Finance and Operations Department led the opening ceremony, which included a short devotional from Pastor Julio Amurao, vice president for student services. He also dedicated the return of Talipapa’s operation to the University and prayed for the concessioners.



Together with Pastor Amurao, Mrs. Ela Almocera, Finance controller; Mr. Wedrick Ian Rodelas, head of the Auxiliary Services Department; Mr. Oemer Rey Daquila, Advancement director, and one of the Talipapa commissioners cut the ribbon, marking the start of the Talipapa operations.

The AUP Talipapa operates every Sunday from 5:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.



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