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AUP-MLS Marvels at 70

Jul 10, 2023

Being the first school that offered the medical technology program in the Philippines, the Adventist University of the Philippines-Medical Laboratory Science commemorated its 70th founding anniversary on July 3-8, 2023, with the theme, “Marveling at the Lord’s Sustenance: Mighty @ 70.”

Since Mrs. Willa Hilgert-Hedrick established the Medical Technology, now Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) program in the Philippines at the then-named Philippine Union College, now AUP, the MLS Department has attained remarkable accomplishments. The week-long celebration included exhibits of the Department’s past and present accomplishments, bazaar-style food and shop booths, a fundraising concert, a medical mission, and a Sabbath thanksgiving ceremony.

Registered medical technologist Grachienne Banuag, alumni Batch 2014, opened the celebration with a devotional program at the College of Medicine Alumni Hall – Lower Ground. Ms. Yanna Yvonne Macayan, the MLS Department chair, led the program while Dr. Miriam R. Estrada, the College of Health dean, cut the ribbon. 

From July 3-6, the MLS Department showcased old and new equipment used by the Department and the memorabilia gallery. They also opened a food bazaar and merchandise stall. The merchandise sold amounted to Php 118,179, which will be used to support MLS graduating students with financial setbacks.

“Indeed, the outpouring blessings of God has given [MLS] graduates opportunities to serve around the world carrying the mission. Our dearest alumni who shed light wherever God calls them have seen the miracles and wonders how Mighty our God is. Truly, He is our Great Provider,” Mr. Kurt Gatus, an instructor and internship coordinator of the MLS Department, shared. 

Another major event held was the benefit concert themed “All Belongs to Him,” featuring the MLS Chorale and MLS Ensemble with other special guests, at the Finster Hall of Nations on the evening of July 6. A repertoire of religious and secular songs serenaded the audience. The concert raised an amount of Php 50,200. This amount will also aid the financially challenged students of the Department who will be graduating.

John Almer Caagbay, a fresh graduate of the MLS department, expressed his experience as the leader of the benefit concert. “When I was told to lead the MLS Chorale for a benefit concert, I met with a lot of concerns such as how would we get them to sing as a singular unit where most students come from varying choirs and non-choir singers, how would we conduct rehearsals where majority of these students are in the clinical division, and how would we rehearse in a span of 2 months?” he shared. “I had my doubts, frustrations, and, of course, the growing pressure knowing this concert had to be nothing short of grand being a 70th-year anniversary event. And yet, the concert theme, “All Belongs to Him” reminded me that while this concert was under the MLS Department, it still belonged to and was for God. Anything that is His and is offered to Him fully, He blesses, and He makes great for His glory.”

A medical mission was organized on July 7, at the COM Alumni Hall-Lower Ground with 136 medical missionaries composed of MLS alumni and students. The medical mission aimed to check the health status of the residents of Sitio Muzon. 


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